Sunday 7 June 2015

11 Perks You Enjoy If You’re Open About Your Feelings

What matters most is how well you walk through the fire; In today’s era, such fire is the essence of act where you’re able to speak your mind. The entire deed of speaking your heart out may sound troublesome in the initial stage, but is surely going to take you a long way of no odious prejudices being held against you.
Here are 11 solaces of people who are extremely honest with their feelings enjoy:

1. You’ll never have to remember what lies you said, because ta-da ; there weren’t any

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You’re the man.

2. At one point people will start appreciating your honesty

Sooner or later, yes!

3. Everyone will come to you for an honest opinion

Haha, totally. (Well, that could be a pain in the ass, but anyway; you’re doing a good job)

4. You might end up arguing with your friends; In the end, you’ll sort everything out

Those who matter won’t mind, those who mind won’t matter.

5. You’ll probably have only a few friends, but they will be your most prized possessions

Of course, they’ll cherish your traits.

6. People might construe you wrongly as a rude person, but they’ll soon realize that you aren’t

In fact, they’ll look forward to you.

7. Your clique of honest people; No lies and straight from the heart talks

Because sometimes, you’ve gotta run away from the drama.

8. You get rid of all the fictitious people around you, way too quickly

Without any efforts. Now that’s something.

9. This attitude builds your confidence

Indubitably and it will never cease.

10. Eventually, people will start to have a lot of faith in you


11. You’ll come across as genuinely lovable someone, and that’s worth the call

Everyone can’t carry the weigh of being an out-rightly open person; it takes a heart of gold to come clean at all times, even when you are wrong. The world be a better place to live in if it had more people who’d come clean about who they really are.

Wednesday 18 March 2015

12 Inventions That Will Make You Wonder Why Nobody Thought Of This Before

The fertile seed of science has empowered our lives so much so that it never ceases to amaze us. Which is why we all vest our interest and hopes in it.
These inventions are changing lives and the way people execute their daily chores. It’s a combination of brilliant design and dedicated execution that’ll make you go, “Why did nobody thought of this before!”

1. Mitticool

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MittiCool is an clay fridge that was invented by Mr. Mansukhbhai Prajapati, potter and terracotta earth specialist after the Gujarat Earthquake in 2001 that left havoc on people. To satisfy this need, Prajapati outlined a inexpensive clay fridge for the rural populace of India, that does not demand power to keep food new and fresh. What an idea sirji!
Fact Source

2. Throwable Panoramic Ball Camera

Absolute fun and totally worth buying. This camera comprises of 36 cameras of 2 megapixel each and has a ball like shape. Once you throw this in the air, it will capture images from the highest point of its flight. All the images are taken instantly without producing ghosting artifacts and creates unique images.

3. The Wall That Will Pee Back On You

Just in case you want to save yourself the embarrassment of cleaning your own pee in public or having it all over your clothes, don’t pee on public walls. This invention took internet by huge uproar. Ultra Ever Dry, is a superhydrophobic (water) and oleophobic (hydrocarbons) coating that will completely repel almost any liquid.

4. The Scribble Pen

This is a revolutionary discovery for those who love doodling. Scribble is the first shading gadget of its kind that can take the universe of shading around you and transfer it specifically to either paper or your cell phone. Just hold the pen’s scanner up to anything and its memory will store the color.

5. Load Carrier For Labor

This amazing discovery by Vikram Panchal is worth applauding. It only costs Rs 300 and will be of great help for labours who slog their day and night pulling, picking and carrying heavy weight.

6. 3-D Printing Pen

Just when you thought that it couldn’t get any better with the 3-D printers, know what, it just did. With this pen you can draw sculptures, as and when you want in the air. It in fact is a 3-D printer, which melts and cools plastic allowing you to draw structures in the air.

7. SCiO Pocket Molecular Sensor

By reading the chemical makeup of a material, this sensor will tell you everything about anything that is tangible. SCiO is based on IR spectroscopy strategy. The physical basis for this material examination technique is that every kind of atom vibrates in its own particular extraordinary way, and these vibrations cooperate with light to make a special optical mark. Subsequently, it will show every detail in your mobile device.
Fact Source

8. Plant e

You always thought if there was a way for you to get off those heavy monthly bills and save some cash. Well, now you can. This device will let you produce electricity from living plants.

9. Ostrich Pillow

Not as productive as the aforementioned, but this will definitely cast a revolution for those who like to take quick naps, travel a lot and are deprived of sleep. With this you can take naps anytime and everywhere, sans the disturbance.

10. The Ultra Ever Dry

Hate when someone spills water on your pants or how your socks get wet while accidently stepping onto some water? Well, no worries. Using this super hydrophobic coating that repels water and refined oils using refined technology will enable that for you.

11. The Window Socket

This product offers a clean way to harness solar energy and further use it as a plug socket. This product is designed and based on the model of providing electricity in the areas, where it is restricted. Example : aeroplanes, cars or outdoors.

12. Upsee Harness

An invention that will definitely change many lives by healing heart. You know how physically disabled children crawl? Well, not anymore. Using this harness parents can walk their kids and teach their children repetitive walking training.

Monday 29 December 2014

5 Ways Dreamers Can Become Doers

Maybe you’ve been called a dreamer your whole life—by others and by yourself. However, saying you are a dreamer or a doer is like saying you are good or bad. Nobody is 100 percent one way or the other, but they may lean more in one direction. It’s a spectrum, and the good news is that you can shift the paradigm so you’re a little more balanced.
Remember that being a doer isn’t necessarily better than being a dreamer. You need both to succeed. 
If you’re really off kilter and have a lot more dreamer tendencies, it’s time to take action. Here are some of the easiest, quickest ways to embrace your inner doer so your dreamer can take a little break. Remember, without a comprehensive, balanced approach you’ll just keep going in circles:

1. Write down goals and give them a deadline.

So, you say you want to write a novel and have it ready to submit to literary agent or publishing house. That’s awesome - but how far along are you? What do you define as “submission ready”? How long can you write per day, and is it scheduled into your routine just like work or going to the gym?
Depending on where you are with your draft, choose a deadline for being submission ready (less than two years out), or schedule mini-deadlines, such as two chapters written by month's end. This approach works for any goal, not just a novel manuscript.
2. Balance wants and needs.
 Every time you decide you want to do something, follow that up with a list of steps you need to take to make it happen. This might mean saving a certain amount of money for a special event like your wedding. If you want to save $10,000 in one year, look at your budget and figure out what you need to cut to make that happen. You might also need to pick up more hours at work, a second job or practice more frugal living.
When I decided for the first time to stop living paycheck to paycheck I sold the new BMW I was driving and bought an old Ford Focus. That was one of the best decisions I've ever made. It allowed me to save an extra $800 per month. After a year I had almost $10,000 in the bank, which allowed me to start my business, Pixloo, that eventually was acquired.

3. Surround yourself with doers.

Birds of a feather certainly flock together, but you probably have more doer acquaintances and friends than you realize. Who are your five best friends? Dreamers feed off of each other, but if you’re around doers they will inspire you. The staunchest ones aren’t quick to indulge your dreamer tendencies and will want to know what your plan is. Remember: you are in charge of your support network.
I surround myself with some of the best and brightest people in the world. 

4. Stop doing what doesn’t work.

You know Einstein’s definition of insanity, so why do you get stuck in that rut? If you’ve been dreaming about something but your attempts haven’t led to positive results, it is time to stop, reassess, figure out what’s wrong and try a fresh approach. You’ll never get anywhere making the same mistakes over and over again.

5. Assume everything will take longer and cost more.

One of the downsides of being a dreamer is that it is easy to think of everything as, well, easy during the dreaming stage. However, things have a tendency to take more money and time than you imagine. When writing down your action plan, increase time and money by ten percent and give yourself a buffer. The worst case scenario is you’ll succeed with time and money left over.
Don’t let your drive to be a doer brush your dreaming tendencies totally under the rug. It’s your source of inspiration, creativity. and means of reaching for the stars

7 Stupid Ways Smart People Sabotage Their Success

hipster smoking reading
Some smart people can be insufferably elitist.
Sometimes the smartest people do things that seem to make no sense at all.
A group of Quora users drew from their experiences to address the question "What are some stupid things that smart people do?" The answers provide ways to overcome some of the common ways intelligent people unknowingly undermine themselves.
We've highlighted a few below.

1. They spend too much time thinking and not enough time doing.

"Because thinking comes so easily to smart people, doing becomes relatively harder. Research and planning are great in moderation, but can offer the dangerous illusion of progress," says Silicon Valley entrepreneurChris Yeh. Smart people who are perfectionists can get caught up in this kind of seemingly productive procrastination and often nitpick over minute details rather than finishing projects.

2. They follow the pack.

Venture for America's Andrew Yang has written extensively about the trend of top college graduates going into the same few industries equated with "making it," like finance and consulting, rather than following their passions. New York entrepreneur Lee Semel agrees: "Many smart people often seem to be followers, probably because they grow up spending so much time pleasing others via academic and extracurricular achievement that they never figure out what they really like to work on or try anything unique."

3. They stop trying.

People whose intelligence has helped them achieve a level of success can often get lazy. "These smart people fail to further develop their natural talents and eventually fall behind others who, while less initially talented, weren't as invested in being smart and instead spent more time practicing," Semel says.

4. They undervalue social skills.

Some intelligent people don't realize that intellect is only one element of achieving success, and that personal connections are everything in the professional world. "They never try to improve their social skills, learn to network, or self promote, and often denigrate people who excel in these areas," Semel says.

5. They place being right above all else.

Many smart people indulge a dangerous combination of ego and logic and behave as though being right all the time is somehow endearing (it's the opposite), Semel says. It's bad when they argue a point they're misinformed about, but it can be even more embarrassing for them when they insist on arguing facts against someone's long-held beliefs.

6. They equate education with intelligence.

A high academic pedigree can make some people think that where someone got their college degree reflects how smart they are, says Liz Pullen, a sociologist. In many cases, a degree from an elite university represents a great achievement, but there are countless instances where those who didn't graduate college are more qualified for a job due to their real-world experience.

7. They are too independent.

Smart people can fail to develop healthy support systems that everyone needs to succeed. "Without a good support system, anyone can begin to slide down a slippery slope when they encounter hardship, miscalculate something major, or fall victim to the misdeeds of others," says Quora user Andrea Martin. How do you develop a good support system? "Methodically place yourself in the company of the most mature, benevolent, competent people you can identify."

Thursday 13 November 2014

10 Indian Villages That Set A Worthy Example For The Whole Country
India, having an agro-based economy, depends the most on its villages for growth. The gaonalways has that distinct nostalgic charm that Indians alone can understand. Sarson ke khet, tea plantations, mud houses, clean air, charpaaimitti, star-lit sky; these are just some of the happy things that we associate with life in an Indian village.
But unfortunately, that feeling is slowly waning. Poverty, lack of education, lack of sanitation, etc are the first associations that the media paints about Indian villages for our benefit.
Here's a little fact: Gaons aren't a bad place to live. In fact, some of them are way better than any metro. And these exemplary examples prove just that.

1. Mawlynnong - Asia's cleanest village

Mawlynnong, a small village in Meghalaya, was awarded the prestigious tag of 'Cleanest Village in Asia' in 2003 by Discover India Magazine. Located at about 90 kms from Shillong, the village offers a sky walk for you to take in the beauty as you explore it. According to visitors, you cannot find a single cigarette butt/plastic bag lying around there.

2. Punsari - The village with WiFi, CCTVs, AC classrooms and more

Punsari, located in Gujarat, puts most metros to shame. Funded by the Indian government and the village's own funding model, Punsari is no NRI-blessed zone. The village also boasts of a mini-bus commute system and various other facilities. Believe it.

3. Hiware Bazar - The village of 60 millionaires

Hiware Bazar, located in the Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra, has transformed from being a place fraught with issues to being possibly the richest village in India. The sole reason for this fairy-tale change is one man called Popatrao Pawar. He banned all addictive substances to minimize expense and encouraged the villagers to invest in rain-water harvesting, milch cattle, etc.
There are a record 60 millionaires in the village and barely any poor. From 168 Below Poverty Line families in 1995, Hiware Bazar now has just three. The villagers continue to strive to see a day when not one person is poor.

4. Dharnai - First fully solar-powered village

Dharnai, a village in Bihar, beat 30 years of darkness by developing its own solar-powered system for electricity. With the aid of Greenpeace, Dharnai declared itself an enery-independent village in July. Students no long need to limit their studies to the day time, women no longer limit themselves to stepping out in the day in this village of 2400 residents. Now if only cities could do the same, right?

5. Chappar - A village that distributes sweets when a girl is born

Chappar village in Haryana has a woman Sarpanch. But Neelam is no ordinary Sarpanch. She made it her life's mission to change the attitude of the villagers towards women, and she succeeded. Not only do the women of the village not wear the ghunghat anymore, but despite Haryana being the state with the lowest girls ratio (an abysmal 877) in this village every newborn, regardless of his/her sex, is welcomed into the world with sweets and festivities.

6. Korkrebellur - A village that really loves its birds

Korkrebellur, a small village in Karnataka, believes in the conservation of nature. While most other villages consider birds a nuisance because they harm crops, Kokrebellur boasts of rare species of birds that fly around and don't even mind humans much. The villagers treat their winged compatriots as family and have even created an area for wounded birds to rest and heal. Wonderful, isn't it?

7. Ballia - The village that beat arsenic poisoning with an indigenous method 

Ballia village of Uttar Pradesh had an itchy problem to deal with. The water that the villagers were drinking contained arsenic, which causes serious skin problems and even physical deformation. What is arsenic, you ask? A harmless element on its own, but when combined with oxygen or water, it turns toxic.
Ironically, the village faced the problem after the government introduced many hand-pumps in the area for easy water access. The level at which the hand-pumps were dug led to excessive interaction between arsenic and water. When the villagers realised what had happened, instead of waiting for the government to act on it, they (physically) fixed their old wells and went back to an older, safer time. The best part? Even 95-year-old Dhanikram Verma joined in.

8. Pothanikkad - The village with a 100% literacy rate

Unsurprisingly in Kerala, Pothanikkad village was the first in the country to achieve a 100% literacy rate. Not only does the village boast of city-standard high-schools, but it also has primary schools and private schools. Guess the number of people the village has educated? Well, according to the 2001 census there are 17563 residents living in the village. The best part is that it answers the question.

9. Bekkinakeri - The village that rid itself of open defecation by 'greeting' lota-bearers

Bekkinakeri village in Karnataka has redefined the point of wishing someone a 'Good morning'. Frustrated with the practice of open defecation, the village council attempted to curb it by requesting people to not do so. When that didn't work, they stationed themselves early morning near 'popular' defecation sites and wished every perpetrator a very good morning. The trick worked! Too embarrassed to go on with their business, the openly defecating population has now stopped the practice completely. 

10. Shani Shingnapur - A village so safe that people don't need doors

Shani Shingnapur, located in Maharashtra, is a village that defies every newspaper report you have ever read. Touted as the safest village in India, this place is known for its lack of doors to houses. Not just that, there is no police station in the village. And no, we are not making this up. 
By the way, Shani Shingnapur has 'broken' another interesting record. The village has the country's first lockless bank branch (UCO bank) now.

Time to pack your bags for that cross-country village trip?

If you know about more such villages, and/or have visited them, please do write in.

Monday 3 November 2014

15 Free Online Learning Sites Every Entrepreneur Should Visit

Being a successful entrepreneur means you have to wear a lot of hats, especially when your company is just starting out and you don’t have enough employees to cover all the areas you need.
Learning the new skills necessary to start a new business can be expensive, but fortunately the initiative for free, high-quality, educational resources online has only continued to grow in the past few years. Below are some of the resources available to learn more about marketing, entrepreneurship, business management and more.

1. CodeAcademy

This great resource offers free interactive programming sessions to help you learn programming languages such as HTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP. You can save your progress as you go with a free account. Learning to code can help entrepreneurs fix bugs if they don’t have a developer, or even go down the road of building their own website or products (such as apps).

2. HubSpot Academy 

The free certification program offers courses on inbound marketing, including website optimization, landing pages and lead nurturing. These skills are a must for business owners as they try to grow their business and online presence.

3. Moz

If you want to learn search-engine optimization to make sure your website is as visible as possible, check out this treasure trove of resources from SEO leader, Moz. Besides having the free Moz Academy, there are also webinars (live and recorded), and beginner’s guides to SEO, social media and link building.

4. LearnVest

The most successful entrepreneurs know how to manage their money both on a business and personal side. In addition to having extremely affordable finance classes, LearnVest also offers some of its classes for free, such as “Building Better Money Habits” and “How to Budget.”

5. Niche consultant courses

The Internet has made for a coaching boom, which is extremely helpful to entrepreneurs who want to learn how to start or better a business in a specific niche. Some great coaches and organizations that routinely have free courses and ebooks on building a business include Natalie MacNeil and MyOwnBusiness. Try searching “niche keyword” + “business course” to find one most applicable to you.

6. edX

This free site currently has over 300 courses on a variety of topics, including “Financial Analysis and Decision Making” and “Entrepreneurship 101: Who is your customer?” These courses not only cover business in general, but can also you help learn more skills that are applicable to your industry, such as big data or environmental conservation.

7. Khan Academy

This free learning resource was created to give everyone access to education in math, science, art, technology and more. There are over 100,000 interactive exercises to put your education to practical use. Even though many of the courses are geared toward high school students, there are several courses that would be good for anyone to have a refresher on, such as taxes and accounting.

8. MIT Open Courseware

These are actual courses taught at MIT and offered for free on the sitefor viewing and reading at your discretion. The school put together anentrepreneurship page that lists available courses that are beneficial to new business owners. Courses include “Early State Capital” and “The Software Business.”

9. Kutztown University of Pennsylvania

This university has almost 100 free on-demand college courses that are extremely applicable to entrepreneurs, including ones that cover business planning, operations and management and small-business tax.  

10. Coursera

Much like MIT’s Open Courseware, this site has 114 educational partners that provide free courses to almost 10 million users. One benefit toCoursera is that there are very specific courses that fit perfectly into particular niches, such as “Data Management for Clinical Research” from Vanderbilt University and “Innovation for Entrepreneurs: From Idea to Marketplace” from the University of Maryland. Its wide network of partners allows for a greater selection.

11. OpenCulture

This site isn’t an educational platform on its own, but rather collects and shares free resources from around the web. Its list of 150 free online business courses is a great resource because it offers classes from iTunes U and other lessons on video and audio. The site also has lists of free audiobooks, certificate courses and other online courses.

12. YouTube

It’s probably unsurprising to most users that YouTube is one of the world’s largest search engines, as there are literally videos on just about anything you can imagine. From TED talks to recorded presentations on building a business, it’s a great free resource on just about any topic.

13. Alison

This platform offers free online courses from some of the most well-known names on the internet today, including Google, Microsoft, and Macmillan. With over 4 million users and over 600 courses already, it covers topics such as economic literacy, personal development and business/enterprise skills.

14. Saylor

The Saylor Foundation offers tuition-free courses and also works with accredited colleges and universities to offer affordable credentials. Its course offerings are similar to what you’d see when working toward a bachelor’s degree.

15. Podcasts

Even though it’s not an official course, podcasts are an amazing (and easily digestible) way to become a better entrepreneur. Podcasts can be listened to via streaming on your computer (if that certain podcast offers it) or via iTunes for iOS and apps such as Podcast Republic for Android. Podcasts such as Entrepreneur of Fire already garner thousands of listeners every episode and are a great way to learn the most up-to-date information and strategies possible. Another good list of entrepreneur podcasts include Think Entrepreneurship's.
Whether you learn best by audio, video or text, this list of 15 learning resources for entrepreneurs can help you learn more about building a business, accounting and getting customers.
Do you have a favorite resource not listed here? Let us know in the comments section below.